Practice Areas

Auto Accidents

Car crash figures have reached such numbers that they are thought to have become the main cause of preventable death.

Vehicular accidents are a significant cause of personal injury claims and the most common cases handled by Quraishi & Birkman.

Frequently, drivers are distracted by their phones, text messages, passengers, music or myriad other things.

In some unfortunate instances, drunk drivers get behind the wheel and cause a crash, often times catastrophic and even deadly. Whether you were the driver or a passenger in a car crash, or even if you were a pedestrian, you could be entitled to compensation for medical care, lost earning capacity, impairment, disfigurement, pain and suffering, and mental anguish suffered in a car accident that was not your fault.

Some of the claims you may be able to make include:

  • Claims against a negligent driver
  • Claims for uninsured/underinsured insurance benefits
  • Claims against a drunk or impaired driver
  • Claims against distracted drivers
  • Claims for failure to stop at a red light or stop sign
  • Claims for PIP or Med Pay benefits

Following a car wreck that was not your fault, you may be entitled to money damages if any of the following occur:

  • A loved one is killed
  • You suffer broken bones
  • You suffer neck or back injuries
  • You suffer permanent scarring
  • You suffer injury to an arm, leg, knee or foot
  • You suffer debilitating injuries such as a spinal or brain injury

On some occasions there are multiple insurance policies and coverages available to help compensate a victim of a car crash. Sorting out those coverages can be confusing. Even if you are unsure if you have grounds to make a claim, the attorneys at Quraishi & Birkman will be able to determine the merits of your case based on the facts and evidence.

It is important to seek assistance and advice from a qualified and experienced car crash lawyer as soon as possible following the incident, to preserve evidence, give notice of your claim, and prosecute your case when necessary. Arrange a consultation with Quraishi & Birkman by calling (561) 444-8370 or send a message here.

Many dog breeds are well known to be aggressive toward both adults and children, sometimes causing serious, permanent injuries to their victims. These painful injuries and emotional scars can potentially be long lasting.

Many cities and municipalities have special laws requiring dog owners to use special care to safely control their animals. Sometimes dog owners fail to adhere to leash laws that otherwise protect the public. Other times, dangerous dogs are not securely kept in a confined area of their owners’ property. Most people know that the first thing they should do when they are bitten by an animal is seek medical treatment, but few know that their next step should be speaking with an animal or dog bite lawyer.

If you’ve been bitten by a dog or other animal, you may be entitled to compensation for:

  • Medical treatment
  • Lost income and earning potential
  • Physical and emotional pain and suffering
  • Disfigurement

Dog Bite Cases

Each year, people are attacked and bitten by animals, especially dogs.

Bed Bug Cases

Bed bugs are parasites that have tormented humans for thousands of years.

They are tiny brown insects, about the size of a ladybug, which feeds on human blood like other human parasites.

Hotels have a duty to inspect their premises and rooms specifically to ensure that there are no bed bugs. Since this is a costly and tedious process, many facilities shirk their duties to do so, resulting in negligence in maintaining a bed bug-free facility.

Mental injuries include:

  • Anxiety
  • Headaches
  • Emotional distress
  • Insomnia
  • Fatigue
  • Depression

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Premises Liability

Florida law regarding liability against property owners places a rather heavy burden of proof against the accident victim.

Most people automatically assume that the property owner is always liable for those injuries occurring on their premises. However, Florida law clearly does not support such a general proposition.

When an individual sustains an accident on someone else’s premises, in order to make a successful damage recovery, the injured person must show by the greater weight of the evidence that the property owner either was aware of the dangerous conditions that caused the fall or that condition existed for a sufficient length of time that they should have become aware of it and consequently had enough time to take corrective action to remove the dangerous condition.

Failure to present this evidence in court will likely result in the judge entering a judgment in favor of the defendant property owner, which will in effect resolve the case before you even have your chance to present your claim to a jury of your peers.

It is therefore important you have a lawyer who knows the proof that is required to get to a jury trial and this give you a fighting chance at obtaining full compensation for your injuries.

The bottom line is if you’re been injured in a premises accident, and you have medical bills or wage loss, it is absolutely imperative that you immediately consult with a lawyer experienced in handling these specific types of cases.

Cyclists can be hit by an inattentive passing motorist, run over by a motorist who fails to obey traffic signals and laws, or thrown from the bike by a car door opening in their path. Many time pedestrians are hit in a crosswalk by a driver who fails to stop or yield the right of way. Both bike riders and pedestrians can be seriously injured by drunk drivers or impaired drivers operating their vehicles recklessly.

Florida traffic laws protect cyclists and pedestrians. Unfortunately, drivers often ignore traffic laws, leaving cyclists and pedestrians facing grave consequences.

What most people don’t realize is that even when you’re not inside a motor vehicle, you may be afforded coverage through your own automobile insurance policy in certain circumstances.

Because the injuries sustained in these type of crashes may be more serious than other wrecks, it is important to have experienced legal counsel on your side. The attorneys at Quraishi & Birkman will work to recover those damages that you deserve because of the negligence of others and will leave no stone unturned in assessing the full scope of your claim .

Pedestrian And Bicycle Accidents

Pedestrians and bicycle riders are often injured through no fault of their own. Pedestrians and cyclists don’t have the protection afforded by an enclosed vehicle.

Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycle riders face a completely different set of hazards and dangers.

The lawsuit may be to recover money damages for the family members loss of companionship and society, mental anguish, pecuniary loss such as loss of financial support, services, and advice and possibly the descendant’s medical and funeral costs and physical pain suffered prior to death. Sometimes a family’s main breadwinner is the victim. His or her loss not only creates a huge void for the family but the financial consequences can be devasting to the survivors.

Each year, thousands of bikers fall victim to blind spots, rough roads, and inattentive drivers. Many drivers just don’t look for motorcyclists even though bikers have the same right to operate on a road as a car or truck. Negligent drivers often say “I didn’t see the biker” after the collision. That’s no excuse. Motorcycle accidents often involve serious injuries, and unfortunately sometimes deadly results.

Even the most experienced motorcycle drivers can become the victim of a collision with an automobile. It is imperative to always wear your helmet, but even then the results can be catastrophic.

Wrongful Death

When someone loses a loved one due to the fault of another, the surviving family members may bring a wrongful death claim against the person and/or company responsible for their loved one’s death.